Welcome to Michael's Stamp Collection Page

     Hello My name is Michael and this is my stamp collection web page. My stamp collecting interest are United States commemoratives, however I do not collect recent issues I limit my collection to a cut off of 1970. In my opinion I dont care for the recent issues, nor do I want to try to keep up with the USPS's many many issue's every year.

    I started my stamp collection when I was 12, that christmas I received a coin collection and a stamp collection starter kit. Needles to say I found the stamp collection more interesting and something I wanted to pursue, although at that time my collecting methods were that of a young adult. I am proud to say that at this point in my life I no longer scotch tape my stamps into my album, nor do I handle the stamps with my fingers, and I would never think of pulling used stamps off of an envelope ever again. Now I am in the process of making my own custom made album pages with a definition of what every stamp commemorated. It is taking me quite a long time and I am nowhere near being done but that is ok I don't care all that matters is the pleasure I get from the time I spend working on it. Although some people say that their collections take them to new worlds, my collection takes me back in time to a world that was very different to the one we live in today.

     My collection is very new to the internet and I am just finding out about all the possibilities there are out on the world wide web, as a matter of fact this is my very first web page. I have found a lot of links dedicated to our hobby of which I will list at the end of this page. I have also met a lot of people with the same interests as mine and I am always looking for more because I am far from being an expert at this hobby, but I learn a little more each day. Anyone who surfs by this page is more than welcome to sign my webboard and include their comments, links, experiences, or maybe just a kind word it will be e-mailed to me and I will respond to all messages because I would like to meet people who share the same interests as I do.

     My collection isn't one that is worth alot of money, actually I don't know how much if anything my collection is worth. Monetary value is not the reason I started to collect stamps nor is it the reason I have collected stamps for the last twenty years. Lately I have found it hard to find time to devote to my collection, because of my new and budding family but that is ok because there is one thing you can always count on and that is, like a good and close friend, your stamp collection will always be there for you.